Where a Will Meets a Way




Where a Will Meets a Way



Be Your Best Body with Zach David, BS, CNC, CPT


My name is Zach, and I am a seasoned powerlifter, bodybuilder, martial artist, and yogi. More importantly, however, I can walk up a flight of stairs without getting winded, and I am no longer ashamed to look in the mirror. However, I was not always this way.

Truly, I am just like you. For years, I struggled with being overweight and out of shape—in fact, I was clinically obese. I would try my best, but the results would just never come. Frustrated, I decided to do whatever it took to figure out a solution—and through painstaking trial and error, hundreds of hours of research and study, and hundreds more working with personal clients, I have uncovered many of the tricks, secrets, strategies, exercises, and nutrition plans work.

Along the way I have earned my B.S. in Nutrition with a Minor in Exercise Science from UMW, as well as my Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach Certifications with the National Sports Medicine Academy, and if I have learned one truth, and one truth only, it would be this:


My name is Zach

“Fitness is not a one-size-fits-all solution. In order to succeed, your approach MUST take your individual health and lifestyle factors into account. This is the difference between success and failure—every time.”

We all have different goals, different health statuses, different metabolisms, and different strengths and struggles. This is why one-size-fits all programs never work—they are simply not designed with you in mind. That is where I come in—I take in all of your health information, your measurements, your goals, your exercise possibilities and preferences, your dietary restrictions, and your goals, and design a plan especially for you!

For those of you who are veterans in the gym, and who are simply looking to get dialed-in, I offer comprehensive 8–12-week plans that are designed based upon a specific end goal and starting point. This included detailed workout, diet, and supplementation planning based upon your information.

Additionally, for those of you who are intermediates with some experience, who understand the basics but have been unable to achieve significant results, I offer the personalized, intensive approach necessary to smash well past any plateau you may have via weekly coaching sessions. In these, I provide my clients with detailed, 30min check-ins, updated plans for the next week based upon the previous week’s results, and heartfelt, genuine encouragement and accountability. As we age, not only do our minds change, but so do our bodies, which means that the fine tuning of our fitness programs never ends!

Finally, for true beginners with little exercise knowledge or experience, I also offer hourly personal training and nutrition/supplementation planning sessions, both in-person in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area, and virtually across the entire Globe!

For you the novice (yes, I am talking to you!), a few individual sessions is the perfect place to start. This allows you to more seamlessly transition into either a lower-intensity level of coaching, or a self-directed fitness regimen once you possess the necessary rudimentary knowledge and experience.

But everyone benefits from having a coach–even world champions, who know their sport netter than anyone–and that is because having a coach is like having a super-power—it is having someone in your corner who can see the situation objectively and help to knowledgeably guide you and encourage you—and that is truly priceless.

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